ExcelinEd shared former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s remarks on education reform to the American Legislative Exchange Council’s annual meeting, held last week in Chicago, Illinois.
The Case for Comprehensive Education Reform – Governor’s Conference on Education (3/22/13)
Florida Commissioner of Education Tony Bennett addresses the need for comprehensive education reform. Commissioner Bennett’s remarks were recorded at the Governor’s Conference on Education on March 22, 2013, at Cony High School in Augusta.
Story in 5: Jouni Kangasniemi, Finnish Education Reform
Recorded at ‘Changing Humanitarian Action?’, ALNAP’s 31st Annual Meeting. Find out more at alnap.org/31am.
Music: Tyops, https://www.freesound.org/people/tyops/sounds/352375/
National Summit on Education Reform: Highlights Reel
The National Summit on Education Reform annually convenes the best and brightest from around the world to share strategies to improve the quality of education for all children, everywhere. This one-stop shop of policies and practices offers an opportunity for lawmakers, policymakers and advocates to learn the nuts and bolts of reform.
An agenda for higher education reform: A keynote address by Senator Lamar Alexander | LIVE STREAM
Steep increases in tuition, lackluster graduation rates, and the struggles of student loan borrowers have put higher education reform at the top of the US education policy agenda. While federal policy debates have traditionally focused on how much should be spent on grants and loans, a growing number of Republicans and Democrats have called for more far-reaching changes to align the incentives of institutions and students, empower consumers, and create space for innovation. The upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act presents an opportunity to rethink the federal approach to college opportunity, but important policy questions remain.
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Teacher quality 2.0: Toward a new era in education reform
This Google Hangout event is online only.
Over the last decade, teacher-quality policy has taken center stage in US education debates nationwide. States and districts are rethinking how to fill classrooms with the best teachers, considering everything from teacher preparation to evaluation. Meanwhile, school leaders are rethinking teacher roles and school organization, which could lead to innovations that do not fit the current education policy agenda.
Please join AEI for a conversation among several contributors to the new volume “Teacher Quality 2.0: Toward a New Era in Education Reform” (Harvard Education Press, 2014), edited by Frederick M. Hess and Michael Q. McShane. Panelists will discuss the intersection of teacher-quality policy and innovation, exploring roadblocks and possibilities.
3:00 PM
Billie Gastic, Relay Graduate School of Education
Dan Goldhaber, University of Washington–Bothell
Michael Q. McShane, AEI
Katharine Strunk, University of Southern California
4:15 PM
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Teacher Quality 2.0: Toward a new era in education reform
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