The Aspen Institute’s Commission on No Child Left Behind (NCLB) held a national public hearing on improving teacher and principal effectiveness. Colorado State Senator Mike Johnston, a former principal, will ledfellow members of the Commission’s Committee on Teacher and Principal Effectiveness in hearing testimony and engaging in in-depth dialogue with witnesses to gain insight for improving NCLB.
Confirmed participants included:
Hon. Barbara O’Brien, Lieutenant Governor of Colorado
Mr. Tom Boasberg, Superintendent, Denver Public Schools
Mr. Dennis Van Roekel, President, National Education Association, Washington, DC
Dr. F. King Alexander, President, California State University, Long Beach
Ms. Aqua Stovall, Principal, Arthur Ashe Charter School, New Orleans, LA
Dr. Dan Goldhaber, Research Professor, Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Effective teachers are one of the most important factors in student success. And yet only four states require that student learning be the primary criterion in teacher evaluations, and only two states require that teacher effectiveness be considered as part of tenure decisions, according to the National Council on Teacher Quality. In 2007, the Commission called for a major shift in the way we measure teacher quality—from evaluations based on qualifications to those based significantly on classroom results.
Since then, more states have developed the sophisticated data systems needed to measure teacher and principal effectiveness, and now, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds may fuel additional progress in improving teacher and principal effectiveness. The potential for dramatic improvements in schools is great—but many questions remain about how to help schools get the best principals and teachers for their students.
To help answer these questions, the Commission hearing investigated how teacher and principal effectiveness can be measured; how we can attract, prepare, better support, and retain effective teachers and principals and remove those who do not improve; how to ensure disadvantaged students have access to effective educators and school leaders; and how NCLB can more effectively support teacher and principal effectiveness.
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